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Minimizing Vulnerability & Maximizing Thriving in America and World

    In America and in the world today, we are all vulnerable to a greater or lesser extent.  Walking the streets and roads, you see it in our faces and hear it in our voices. The vulnerability specter hangs as well over our families and friends every day. To an even greater extent, we will be vulnerable in the future unless we fix what is broken and build a survivable and thriving future.

    We need to minimize vulnerability via policies that stop forces that push us down to be more vulnerable and support forces that lift us out of vulnerability and toward thriving. 

    “Vulnerable” is a local, national and global strategy to minimize vulnerability and maximize thriving. Vulnerability is what we are targeting to minimize. Thriving is what we are targeting to maximize. “via” Strategy and Model, supported by viaFuture, is how we bring about the change. Our vision is one of thriving people, communities, countries, and world.

    We have "next generation" knowledge and tools. We know how to design and operate human systems that support individuals and achieve our vision. We have information and tools to take complex, cross-cutting programs and tailor them as an integrated solution for each person consistent with multiple policy goals. We better understand human behavior and its determinants.

    Vulnerable, as a strategic local, national and global approach, can and does reduce vulnerability if we have the wisdom and will. If we do and  apply them successfully, we achieve the sustainable vision of minimizing our vulnerability and maximizing our thriving.

   Vulnerable Video  Vulnerable Video

"via" Strategy and Model

    To support minimizing vulnerability and maximizing thriving, the "via" Strategy and Model provide a strategic and operational framework. That framework helps identify the most vulnerable persons/populations.  It helps develop and execute the most effective strategy and interventions for minimizing vulnerability and maximizing thriving. It also helps set a desired vulnerability/thriving status for communities, America and beyond.

    The resulting operational strategy stops negative interventions and supports positive interventions. See "via" Model, "via" Strategy, Detailed Strategy  


Related Efforts & Websites

Thrive! - Building a Thriving Future

GChris Sculpture/Fiction

   Thrive!® is an endeavor coupled with a vision, mission and call for action.  As a call to action, it strives to energize and empower a vast endeavor of people together building and sustaining a thriving future for our people, communities, countries and world.

   It envisions, calls for and strives to achieve a thriving future. Its mission is to help create and sustain positive change to help build communities and a world that not only survive but thrive. 

   The Thrive! Endeavor and strategy is to have people of all backgrounds and generations join together in this endeavor. It strives to motivate governments, private sector, and people to seek a thriving future and work together to build that future.

   In support, viaFuture provides strategies, models and tools to determine where we are today and where we want to go in the future. To achieve that future, it helps design, manage and execute the strategies, policies and programs, and the collaborative and individual actions.

  GChris abstract sculptures are what is termed "thrive art" and are heavily mission-driven. Advanced by the art are core values - reducing human vulnerability, maximizing human potential, saving our environment, and building a thriving future.

GChris Sculpture - encircled, but free

   Existing GChris mobiles and stabiles number over 100 pieces with dimensions ranging from a few inches to 12 feet and larger.

  He wrote several science fiction books, including black box — a story of unknown technologies, science, religion, politics with the human pursuit of positive personal and global change. He is also wrote several children's books, including Angel, Thriving Creator of Artful Things. Both are available at

Gary "Chris" Christopherson       Chris       Gary Christopherson       Gary A. Christopherson
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Thrive Forever
Thriving Future
Thrive! Endeavor
Children Thrive
Endangered Future
Copyright 2007-21
Gary A. Christopherson